Help Reduce Operating Costs

Help Reduce Operating Costs

The major benefits of ERP are improved coordination across functinal departments and increased efficiencies of doing business. The immediate benefit from implementing ERP systems we can expect is reduced operating costs, such as lower inventory control cost, lower production costs, lower marketing costs and lower help desk support costs.

Our Client

PT. MS Kemakmuran
Mitra Sendang Kemakmuran berdiri sejak tahun 1976,...
PT. Selaras Maju Sentosa
Dealer Honda Motor...
PT. Sendang Bersama
Dealer Motor Honda...
CV. Asiasurya Perkasa
Asia Surya Perkasa selaku Main Dealer Honda Bangka...
Gedung Tripari Jl. TB.Simatupang No.47, Lt.2 Jakarta Selatan, 12530
Phone1 : (021) - 87785713
Phone2 : (0813) - 087667787
Fax : (021) - 87799585
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